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"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."


-Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

It takes a village to raise a child. We are all children of God, and we are all in this together. Here at Spring Glen, courage, friendship, love, sincerity, hope, and light know no bounds. Equipped with knowledge and reliability while overflowing with compassion and a wide range of talents, Spring Glen's dedicated team is always ready to serve you and the Jacksonville area. Our mission is to share the love of Christ with everyone by making a positive impact in our community and meaningful change in people's lives!




David Jackson has served as a pastor in the Methodist Church since December 2015. Previously, David served in many roles before being called to be a pastor.  He has served in Recreation Ministries, Children’s Sunday School Leader, Small Group Teacher and Facilitator and on many leadership positions. 


David is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary earning his Master of Divinity in May of 2021.  David brings a diverse perspective to being a pastor.  He has worked in many fields in corporate America, this has helped him be able to learn, work, and love all of God’s diverse and beautiful people.


David is passionate about spreading the love of Jesus Christ to the Spring Glen Community and helping disciple people to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  We all need to get into a place where we can all grow and learn to walk as disciples of Jesus Christ it was important to God to send Jesus to make disciples.  Jesus made disciples to change the world.  So, the mission to make disciples is what the church needs to lead in the local community.   He hopes to encourage church members to come back to church. David loves to share his faith and teach people to learn to trust God and allow him to walk closely with you in your daily journey.


David and his wife, Gretchen, have been married since 1997. Gretchen is a school teacher at Crystal Springs Elementary in the Duval County Public School system where she teaches children with trainable mental handicaps. David and Gretchen have two daughters, Sarah, and Jordan. The Jackson family feels blessed that God has placed them at Spring Glen Methodist Church. 




Jacqueline has been with Spring Glen since 2005 as the Administrative Assistant and sees this as not a job but as a ministry. She is a dedicated Christian lady and loves to help people. She is a native of Florida and has lived all over the state but has settled in the Jacksonville area.  



Music Coordinator

I first came to Spring Glen on Labor Day Sunday, September 1, 2014.  It was just a few short weeks before I began to sing in the church choir and eventually joined the church.  I have no formal music background or training, but sang in church choirs most of my life; even as a child.  Those years of experience combined with an immense love of music, prepared me to take on the challenge of Choir Director at Spring Glen when the opportunity presented itself in 2017.  The encouragement of the choir members and accompanists have given me the support necessary to be successful. 


As Spring Glen endeavored to appeal to a more diverse demographic, we began a blended worship service to include both traditional and contemporary worship music.  In the Spring of 2018 another opportunity presented itself to lead our Praise Team.   Each week, I plan the music and coordinate with the musicians and vocalists to bring a meaningful worship experience to our congregation as we sing praises to our Lord, Jesus Christ.  I’m happy I made my church home here at Spring Glen UMC and that God has used me to serve His church in this way.


Sylvia Meister,

Choir Director & Praise Team Leader




Gary has been with Spring Glen since 2018 as the Custodian and is a very dedicated Christian worker. He loves the job and puts his whole self into making sure everything is ready for all events. He is always ready and willing to help where he is needed.

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